Wednesday, April 20, 2011

3 things to do before reinvesting the Adsense income

"You must consider your blog as a business". 

This is what most of the professional bloggers would advice. Even though it dose not make thousands of dollars or cover your living cost, you have to consider your blog as a proper business. Then, you will have a good picture of the current situation and long term and short terms goals. In another way, you will also understand the strengths and weaknesses of your blog. 

Question is how you going to treat your blog as a real business? As I am experimenting with AdSense I already focus on making money out my blogs. How about you? If yes, there is no reason why you should not take you blog as a business. 

First thing I did was to calculate the total earnings so far. Only with AdSense manage to make over $2000. Then it adds up the payments I received from domain parking, private ads, affiliate programs and freelance work (which I started recently). However, over the time I have spent some on busing domain names, web servers and various other services. So, I amused that there is $1000 as the opening balance. There is no point that trying to figure out all the expenses and income if you did not document them properly. It is a waste of time. Just get a value that you can afford and more forward with it. Remember to record each and every income and expense, just like a real business. 

Secondly, I calculate the average monthly income. If you gone through the previous monthly income reports you will notice that average income is $150.  

Lastly, you need to figure out ways to reinvest a certain portion of your monthly income. I don't recommend you to spend all the monthly income. Because, you need to plan for worst months as well. Specially if you commit to monthly plan even your income drops you have to make the payments. 

Here is the list of reinvestment ideas currently I am using and planning to use. 

1. Outsource writing blog posts  - 
2. Bought Article Spinning Software - 
3. Bought a Bluehost web server account - 
4. Bought couple of good domain names for future use - 

and I am planning to 

1. Buy link building software 
2. Hire someone for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas about this.   


  1. Good stuff. I like all the help coming from blogs about AdSense, even more info than Google gives.

  2. Thanks Sam. This is purely what my experiments with AdSense.

  3. I am a Adsense publisher and been using it past 2 years.I am happy with my earning but i want to increase my earning further.Can you suggest me some other PPC programs with which i can add adsense and the other PPC to increase my earning...I heard Infolinks is best to work with Adsense.Please do let me know


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