Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Make money from Google Buzz

Did you know that you can add Google AdSense ads to Google Buzz? Yes. If you are really active in Google buzz then this would be a good news as you can earn little bit more from AdSense.

I have given a step by step guide, how to add AdSense ads to your Google buzz. As you might notice this is not a straight forward method to enable this feature but by adding AdSense to blog feed and Blog feed to Buzz will make the ads display in Google buzz.

Hope you enjoy the quick trick and wish you luck.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Promlem: Only Display 3 AdSense Ad + link Units

I was trying to change the AdSense ad placing and noted the Normal Ads that I places is no longer working.
I used to have 2 AdSense link units and 2 AdSense Ad Units. But now it is only displaying 2 AdSense link units and 1 AdSense ad unit. Trying to figure it out what exactly going on but trying some options.

In the blogger blog I set it up to display ads below every post and there is only 3 posts. It should work perfectly with the 2 link units. Then I removed the 2 link unit and notice that Ad units started appear.

So in summery now I can use only 3 AdSense units only not 3 AdSense Ad Units and 3 AdSense link units.
Do you know why it is doing this in blogger or are you experiencing the same.