Saturday, November 15, 2008

Starting: 100 dollars per day

I dedicate this blog to share ups and downs of achieving the goal 100 dollars per day from Adsense. I think this is quite reasonable challenge bit hard but not impossible. I have already got  the first payment. It took six months to reach hundred dollars. Hundred Dollars for six month is not a considerable amount. As a beginner I went through lot of problems and learnt more about Google Adsense.  Things I learnt and experimented is worth more. I would like to share all these in 100 Adsense Dollars per day blog.

Why I choose 100 dollars per day as my goal? Hundred dollars is what you need to achieve in order to Google to release your check. I believe if I can shorter the time period it takes me to  get hundred dollars, one day you will be able to get it within a day. Believe me or not there are people who earn 100 dollars per day. Even more. 

My first sub goal is achieved. It is just to take the first payment from Google Adsense. As I mentioned it took me six months. My next goal is to get the second payment less than six months. 

I would like to share any information which is not violating the Adsense agreement. I would like to listen to any of your ideas, experience or suggestions. Feel free to give out any links even to your blog or website if you are following this blog. 


  1. mmm. I made the mistake with my first blog
    I setup al the Google ads and custom search thingy’s in my blog. Clicked on them to see if they worked and I played around to see if my Adsense dollars go’s up.. So I was so happy that it worked. The very next post I read was about Adsense and that you are not allowed to click on your own ads.
    Wel now I am worried. Is there a possibility to ask Google to reset my account to Zero as I think about $10 of the $50.46 came from my own clicks... Jeez what am I going to do if they ban me? I just received my Google Postcard the other day and I was so excited.
    I really do not want to be banned as I really am trying to make money with Adsense.

  2. 100 dollars a day is my goal as well, Thats what i typed in google and thats how I found your blog. Im trying to get as much traffic as I can to my blogs and hope that more traffic gets more clicks! please check out my blog its all about getting traffic to blogs!


  4. Blogger thats a nice blog and you got the same kind of concept. I strongly believe thats the secret to make money out of a website or a blog. To bring as many as users possible.

    Again it depends how to achieve that goal. Cool blogger wish you good luck hope to hear your experience in future as well

  5. Raymond I think you can always tell Google to adjust the amount and hope they will not ban your account.

    Best thing is do not continue clicking on your ad now on. So I do not think even after you inform them they will not cancel your account as you try to correct the mistake.

    Best place would be to confirm it is may be Google Adsense Forum.

  6. You are right! there are several who earn 100 dollars or more from adsense. But most of them don't depend on just a blog but have an adsense empire. Adsense is a number game. The more content you have the more you would earn.100 dollars per day is a long way to go for me... But it does motivate me to attain that magical figure.

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