Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How to Optimize Content for AdSense

I thought it would be really interesting and helpful to share couple of links that I have been reading recently. It is all about how to optimize content for AdSense.

AdSense Section Targeting HTML tags to be used to emphasize or ignored a page section.
What is section targeting and how do I implement it?

Optimizing for SEO and CPC Revenue using AdWords, AdSense and Google

How To Really Make Money With Google Adsense gives out a clear explanation of things that most of us will ignore or missed.

Feel free to share any of the interesting links you may reading and that helps everyone.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What is the best place to place AdSense Ad?

Just below the title or heading of your page would be the best place to place content base AdSense ads. Placing a blended square shape ad, just after the blog post title increased the click through rate significantly.

If you haven't try it out place a experiment ad just below the heading. However, make sure that the title is not making the visitor click on the ads. For example List of cool download Links may go against the AdSens TOS.