I do not use AdSense if majority of the visitors know inside out of AdSense. Because they will not click on AdSense even the advertisement is relevant or sounds interesting. If they click it will be intentionally I suppose. Why should I waste space for AdSense ads. It is better to fill that space with more content or another source of income. Might be more interesting to use a relevant affiliate product.
I do not use AdSense if I really think it will kill the readability of the page. Most of the cases you have to place the ads blended or middle of the content to improve the CTR. I do not think there is any problem with it. but personally if I feel that will cause problems for the visitors then I do not use AdSense ads. Also no point of placing the ads in some where else that will not generate any income.
Recently I figure out that I must take AdSense ads out of the blogs that do not generate income even though you get so many clicks. For example you will get some where around $0.05 per click. That is all because of the content of the website might not display high paying ads. Either you can research to find high paying keywords in the niche. If not I will not display AdSense ads.
Is there any reason why you will not use AdSense ads in your website or blog? What I have understand after experimenting with AdSense for sometimes that I should not use AdSense ads every where that I can think of but only in the places that it is generating a income. That will help you to keep your AdSense account clean and easy to do more researches to improve your AdSense income. This might sounds that I am bit angry with AdSense but I strongly feel that experiment AdSense in different conditions time to time and if it works try to improve it. If it dose not work and still you cannot find a way to make it work then drop it and look for the another method. AdSense is not suppose to make money in all sort of website and in all sort of conditions.